Thursday, November 3, 2011

an elsewhere sort of day

Pocket (or wink) coffee. It was really hard for me to get it to stay!
Tasty LIQUID espresso enveloped by chocolate. The perfect combo.

Today I skyped where the sun shines during my nighttime for a good long time. It's good to keep all our life-strings continually woven. Watch, they will span farther than you know! But then let's all get together and knot ourselves up.

Oh boy, then I spent 20 minutes watching videos/pictures that the current volunteers at Cradle of Love have taken and uploaded. Joshua is RUNNING and babbling and looking so handsome and chasing the dogs. My cup continues to runneth over.

1 comment:

  1. Would you still consider adopting from there?
    I like you and your face in the picture :D
