Sunday, November 6, 2011

pistacchios and communion

Silvia and I drew pictures with pencils and wrote stories this afternoon. I was getting settled on the couch ready to read to her about Scrooge out of "What Your Second Grader Needs to Know" (definitely about good ol' Ebenezer) when her mama said that she should have a snack. I thought that was odd because it was less than an hour til normal dinner time and stories are usually a higher priority. She called her husband to come into the room as well. I brought the book over so I could read to Silvia during her snack time, like normal. But then she came around the corner from the kitchen holding a small square green cake. She put it on the table and said, "It's because you've been here one month!" We celebrated. We celebrated me being here a month with a pistacchio ice cream cake. This weekend it has felt like me SURVIVING a month. So we sat around the table and talked about the difference in Catholic communion and other religion's communion. Catholics can't chew their wafers. And only the priest gets to drink wine. At least, that's what G said about her experience from when she was a kid. ... I've just written so many sentences on what I think about communion. Nothing is doing my thoughts justice. Let's have a conversation.

Later on in the evening Silvia and I took turns being the blue bad guy in a make believe underwater game. His head falls off whenever you move him and one of his arms is missing. I kinda like him. He's so broken and full of character. I can't stand too much order.

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