Saturday, November 5, 2011

I honestly don't know what positive moment to write about today...I wore the same skirt I was wearing when we went dancing to church today. It was like a sail while I was walking! The wind was so strong. I had to walk with my head bent low and my hair was all in tangles when I got to church. That was kinda fun.

I decided to stay for lunch even though I hadn't brought any food to contribute. Bah, I feel bad doing that. But the people are so welcoming and insistent. Next time I WILL make food!!! I was getting my things to head home when things were winding down and started saying my ciaos when this little old lady (Esther, maybe?) stopped me. She started asking me questions in Italian that I sorta understood...where I was living, how I was getting there. All of a sudden I was seated next to her, holding hands, and waiting for her 70 year old husband to finish playing a game of foozball so that they could take me home. Their car was a cute little teal-mobile. I appreciated the windless ride and the humming and grunting and confusion in language. That church community is such a blessing to me!

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