Thursday, November 3, 2011

Strange Man in my Bed!

I love having an open home/apartment. There is usually someone here with me in the evenings and even when I am away, sometimes, Anthony or Carrie or Marianne will still come over. Tonight Anthony did not feel very well. So he tried sleeping on the living room floor while Carrie and I did homework and mostly avoided doing homework. His attempt to sleep was not successful and, since I had offered my bed as a resting place, he trip-tropped to my room. After a while, we heard the whiffles and I was pleased that he felt comfortable dropping off in my bed. But when 12:30am rolled around, Carrie and I were ready for bed. Carrie and I stood at the doorway, looking into the dark room. I thought it sounded like a coffee pot percolating in there; a very gentle, bubbly snore. I urged Carrie into the room but I waited at the door because I could not stop giggling. Carrie, with hands in her pockets, bent over the bed and said, "I can't even see him." She left the room and we walked in together moments later. I too had trouble spotting him. Ah, there he was! Alongside the wall amid the stuffed animals. We called his name a few times. He said he was sleeping, turned over and continued deep breathing. Then we saw his feet peeking out from the blanket. What do you do when you can't get the man out of your bed? I walked away while Carrie kept watch from the door--"He's sitting up!" We peered back inside in time to see him flop down to a lying position again. Darn it. When we walked away from the bedroom again and returned a minute later, we found Anthony on the ground, still attempting to sleep. Apparently, he did not have enough energy to get up fully. I threw the sleeping bag on top of him--he had to have been cold! Anyway, I decided to write about this because...well...he's still sleeping on the floor of my bedroom...blocking my way to my pajamas. Do I let him sleep because he's not feeling well? Haha this is so delightfully strange!


  1. So what happened?? :) haha, love the coffee pot reference. I can see it and hear it perfectly.

  2. Well, I ended up finding some sweats and I crawled into bed with him still sleeping on the floor! He ended up waking up about 45 minutes later. He got up, saw me sleeping and put the sleeping bag on me and went home. We had a mini sleepover:)
