Tuesday, November 29, 2011

thoughts make moments too

The weather has been the same as El Segundo up until a week ago, maybe. It's getting colder and colder. I'm getting colder and colder. I don't have a lot of clothes with me. I packed with the intention of buying warm clothes here. I can't do it. Lindsay and I went to H&M yesterday afternoon and I was looking for pants. I have one pair of jeans that I'm wearing on a daily basis and riding the bike is wearing them down, so new leg coverings are completely practical. I told Lindsay I was in a funk while we were browsing and she responded with something about shopping therapy. I wished!! The store was left empty handed and my jeans crotch has a few more busted threads.

The funk has continued. I think that's fair because I'm thinking this:  Angwin-Grizzly Flats-El Segundo-Usa River-El Segundo-Grizzly Flats-El Segundo-Palermo. School-camp-home-AFRICAvolunteeringlearningliving-homeforasec-camp-home-Italywhat. Questions-questions-doubts-tears-laughs-answers?-questions-questions-questions.... I don't know what my normal life is. I know how to settle into a normal routine in a temporary situation. Perhaps the important thing is knowing my heart and my steadfast God with his steadfast love and steadfast approach to this world and people that change but never really change all that much.

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